A Crash Course in Lingo

Months ago when my wife was helping one of her patients (let's call her Sarah), Sarah said, "Those are my peoples." My lovely wife, in somewhat of a frantic response said, "What?" Sarah said, "You know, my family." Somewhat down on herself my wife said, "Oh! I knew that. My husband says that." It was an innocent mistake. My wife truly knew what Sarah meant. She simply needed a reminder. Perhaps if we kicked it (i.e., spent time together) with my family more often, she would not have needed the reminder. My family speaks in these terms. You feel me? (Translation: do you understand?).

My peoples (i.e., family or close friends) get it when I break it down in da' vernacular (i.e., speak using lingo). I do not often greet them on the phone by saying, "hello," but "what's the deal?" (Translation: how are you?). They feel me when I get on 'em like this. (Translation: they understand what I am saying). Feel me? If not, don't trip. It's all good. (Translation: do not worry; it is no big deal).  Hopefully you will hear this lingo enough that it will become second nature. Ya heard? (Translation: do you understand?).

I have not completed any historical research to determine where this lingo originated. I do know that it is not limited to one ethnic group. Kats (i.e., people) from all over speak like this. You might not hear it in a sermon, but you will definitely hear it on college campuses, in music videos, and in some movies. 

One of the most common statements with which we are all familiar is, "what's up?" That is so common, it does not require italics. Spice it up a bit. Instead of saying, "what's up?" try, "Yo, son!" They are synonymous. If you are risky, you can try that during the Peace at your church. You will likely get some strange looks, but it will be a conversation starter. You may even anger someone causing him to respond like my mother did when she was angry with me. "I brought you into this world, I'll take you out." I heard that numerous times growing up. I guess I was a troublemaker. My mother's statement really does not require italics or an explanation, but since my mother said it, it is worth highlighting. Ya heard?

Ta ta for now. Toodle-oo. Or as some say, "one."