From RI to MI and back


It has been a great ten day trip. My family and I left Rhode Island over a week ago for Battle Creek Michigan to spend time with friends at a beautiful lake home for some much needed rest. While there, I was able to break away for a day to go to Grand Rapids and spend time with the folks at Reformation Heritage Books. In our time together we discussed my forthcoming book on spiritual warfare (co-authored with Brian Borgman) which is due early 2014:


We also spoke about some other new and upcoming books for this year. Here are a few that caught my attention.


Out now:

The Best Method of Preaching by Petrus Van Mastricht. This little book is a treasure of helpful and concise information for expositors of the Word of God. As I read through it I was amazed at how comprehensive it is in such a short amount of pages (82). This volume is a must read for all preachers.


Derek Thomas endorsed this book by saying:


"Petrus van Mastricht's brief summary of the essential points of good preaching is sure to become a standard reference alongside William Perkins's The Art of Prophesying. Clear and concise, this book should be essential reading for young and seasoned preachers. A gem."

The Beauty and The Glory of the Father edited by Joel Beeke. This is the third book in a series of books on each person of the Godhead which calls us to stand in awe of the First Person of the blessed Trinity. Contributors to this work include Joel Beeke, Bart Elshout, Jerry Bilkes, Ryan McGraw, David Murray, Burk Parsons, Paul Smalley, Derek Thomas, and William VanDoodewaard.


Steve Lawson in commenting on this volume writes:


"Without question, the most important subject ever to occupy the human mind is the profound study of God. Consistent with this conviction, The Beauty and Glory of the Father is a veritable treasure-house of truth concerning the vast realm of theology proper. Doctrinally rich and practically helpful, this concise volume is an impressive compilation by a team of gifted authors, each man making a significant contribution that is well worth your effort to read. I am certain that you will find this substantial work to be mind-sharpening, heart-stimulating, and soul-stirring."  

Coming soon:


Memoirs of the Way Home: Ezra and Nehemiah as a Call to Conversion by Gerald Bilkes. In his introduction, author Gerald Bilkes explains, "Few people realize that the magnificent New Testament narrative of repentance and forgiveness is etched into the fabric of the whole Bible, and not least of all into those books that concern Israel's return from exile."


RHB writes: In this winsome Bible study, with questions for individual or group reflection at the end of each chapter, the author introduces readers to the little-known Old Testament books of Ezra and Nehemiah and demonstrates that they are an expanded version of the story of the prodigal son, preaching the same message of conversion. With pastoral warmth, Bilkes guides his readers home through the memoirs of a prodigal people returning to their God.

Why Christ Came: 31 Meditations on the Incarnation by Joel Beeke and William Boekestein. I am very excited to read this volume. This will make a great resource for private devotions or family worship.

William Perkins volume one. Yes, this is first volume in a proposed ten volume set of the works of William Perkins the great "Father of Puritanism." These volumes have not been in print for hundreds of years and are sure to be a great feast for the soul.


Building a Godly Home, Volume 2: A Holy Vision for a Happy Marriage by William Gouge. If this book is anything like the first volume it is sure to be a tremendous blessing. In this new work Gouge addresses our duties in marriage from a biblical perspective: mutual duties, the husband's particular duties, and the wife's particular duties.

And last, but certainly not least, Life in Christ: Becoming and Being a Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ by Ref 21's own Jeremy Walker.

Here is what the publisher says about it:


To be a disciple of Jesus Christ is to be in a position of privilege and blessing beyond anything the world might offer. In no part of that life can the children of God consider themselves apart from the Lord Jesus. Author Jeremy Walker considers the Christian's experience of God's loving kindnesses, His tender mercies and great goodnesses, and His relationships with His children and responses to them. These considerations provide a framework for believers that enable them to trace out, understand, enter into, and rejoice over the ongoing experience of the grace of God toward a sinner - of a life in Christ.

Here is my own personal endorsement of the book:


"In his new book my good friend Jeremy Walker in a most breathtaking way vividly opens up the beauties and glories of becoming and being a disciple of Christ. In reading this work I was greatly moved and reminded afresh of the wonders of my salvation and was tearfully left praising God for all that He has done in my life. Since no other subject in the Word of God is more important than the one addressed in this volume, I cannot commend it too highly."


So it's Tuesday, vacation is over; I'm semi rested and back in my study with much work before me. Such is the life of a busy pastor.