Can Baptists be covenantal?


The answer is yes! Baptists historically have held to covenant theology; the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith makes this fact plain (see chapter 7). More recently however, Reformed Baptist pastor Greg Nichols answers this question in the affirmative as he masterfully expounds the subject of covenant theology both historically and exegetically in his new book entitled, Covenant Theology A Reformed and Baptistic Perspective on God's Covenants.


Here is what Dr. Robert Oliver says about the book in the latest addition of Reformation Today:


"At last we have a work which explores the subject (covenant theology) historically and also attempts to deal with the Biblical evidence, giving us both Biblical and systematic theology. I have read Greg Nichols' work with mounting excitement. He presents a doctrine in which there is one chief character and hero, Christ the Redeemer, the seed of the woman who bruises the serpent's head. God creates a covenantal framework which progressively reveals Christ. This framework is established in three great deliverances: through Noah, Moses and Christ and in each case a covenant community is established. In the context of each of these covenant communities God intervenes, choosing a righteous servant through whom he will establish the community. God's 'covenants are symphonious, not atomistic' each new development flows out of the previous."


"This is an outstanding work which breaks new ground without overturning the work of the great covenant theologians of the past. It integrates the work of those who have gone before. It is well written and yet preserves the lecture format in which these chapters were first delivered. The chapters are of reasonable length and Nichols has a good clarity of style throughout. Useful diagrams are a help to understanding. The book is beautifully produced."


Dr. Oliver is lecturer in Church History and Historical Theology at the London Theological Seminary. He is also responsible for teaching Church history in the John Owen Centre and in this connection is an adjunct Professor of Church History in Westminster Theological Seminary Philadelphia. He is also visiting Professor of Church History at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan.


Covenant Theology: A Reformed and Baptistic Perspective on God's Covenants