The Shorter Catechism's time has come

For 2012 we are trying to get all the men in our church to learn the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Tonight we had a session where I give an introduction and tried to enthuse them with it. I've tried to pick up as many resources to help them but as far as I can see there isn't a modern accessible guide.
Denis Hustedt's two works are good but could do with being sharper. They need a good editor.
Thomas Watson is unsurpassable with A Body of Divinity, but for the average punter in the pew it's probably a bit hard work. The same goes for Vincent and Alexander Whyte. Having said that, I do think every Christian home should possess the Banner clothbound edition of the Body of Divinity. People who buy the paperback are just selling themselves short.
GI Williamson is thorough and it's a good study guide, Starr Meade has written well for families but we need someone to do for the WSC what Kevin DeYoung has done for the Heidelberg, a 'Watson' for today.
Bruce Benedict has done this great CD which is an enormous help in memorisation. It drives my wife mad but once I hit question 20 it's my only hope of getting it stuck in my mind. I look forward to the day when someone will actually sing their answers in a Presbytery exam.
John Whitecross's quaint little book on illustrating the catechism is back in print.
As for versions of the catechism, the Banner Puritan pocketbook is lovely, apart from the fact that they've kept the AV proof texts! Why not go over to the ESV at least? CFP have Roderick Lawson's version using the NIV and then there's the Westminster Shorter Catechism in Modern English.
Any other stuff that publishers want to send me will be gratefully received.