For that Monday feeling

Paul Levy
I found the below in Newton's letters, although he is advocating the established church in preference to independancy, his point will ring bells for all ministers.

''That sovereign power, which the Independents assume over their ministers, appears to me too great to be trusted in such hands. If a man ranks as member of a Church of Christ, however ignorant, illiterate and illiberal he may be, though he has seen and known nothing beyond the bounds of his parish, though his temper be sour, and his spirit obstinate as a mule, still he thinks himself both qualified and authorized to teach his pastor. Half a dozen persons of this description are sufficient to make a minister and a whole congregation uneasy through life. Whatever burden we are supposed to have in the Establishment, we are free from this. And I would be thankful for it.''

Wise Counsel, Banner of Truth 2009, (letter 46), page 223.