Melito and proclaiming the unthinkable

Paul Levy
I'm reading God so loved, he gave by Kelly Kapic which I'll write something on later but found this incredible quote from Melito of Sardis who I am sure you are all familiar with.
''Asking his congregation who it was that died on the cross?
''Who was it? It is a heavy thing to say, and a most fearful thing to refrain from saying. But listen, as you tremble in the face of him on whose account the earth trembled. He who hung the earth in place is hanged. He who fixed the heavens in place is fixed in place....Though the people did not tremble, the earth trembled. Though the people were not afraid, the heavens were afraid.''
Christians proclaim the unthinkable. We believe that God became a man, the man Jesus Christ. God, who cannot suffer and die, becomes a man so that he can do the incomprehensible: the God-man dies.'' (page 71)