Getting Richer

Adrian Reynolds points us to the Rich book and my good friend David Gibson now tells me that the Rich brand is extending to a course that can be accessed here. Hopefully we'll get videos and t shirts, even mugs of the Rich course in the future. In all seriousness the course does look quite good and would be useful as a follow up or alternative to Christianity Explored. As we need different strokes for different folks so there must be different courses for horses. David has told me to tell you that Rich is available from Westminster books.
Also David Gibson will be keeping the franchise of Assumed Evangelicalism going. Rarely has one article appeared in so many journals. He is working on a 3 week course for this
Week 1 - Proclaiming
Week 2 - Assuming
Week 3 - Denying
Do contact David at the High Church Hilton office for info in this course.