
Paul Levy

Gary Brady is a prolific blogger and can be found here.  Amidst the many interesting series he has done on such profound subjects as famous ducks, monsters his family have drawn over Christmas time and moustache styles is a series on forewords written by Martyn Lloyd Jones. There are 29 and they are pretty much of a muchness but worth a glance through. It gives a snapshot of the dearth of christian books in the mid 20th century.  Not only has Gary managed to collect these forewords together but he's somehow milked them into a lecture, A few words about forewords 

I'm of the view that forewords should now be banned, until at least the fourth edition of a book, then it's proved it's worth reading and commending. Admittedly goodness knows what JI Packer and Sinclair Ferguson would do with all the time that would free up for them but it's getting to the point where Christian books are puffed so much even people like myself and Trueman are becoming cynical.