More on Communion with God

Paul Levy

I'm working my way through 'Communion with God', the revamped version by Kelly Kapic and Justin Taylor. It's excellent. When you're as dopey as I am the Banner of Truth Gould edition makes you want to run to your mother and cry, it's so difficult to read.  Kelly's introductory essay is particularly helpful in setting the scene.

A couple of weeks ago I went to hear Ian Hamilton of Cambridge Presbyterian Church speak on Communion with God. It would work as a great introduction before reading Owen.  Ian's vocabulary is the most impressive of any minister I know. There was a marvellous moment in the question and answer session where someone asked Ian what 'axiom' meant as he'd used it a number of times. Ian looked on with absolute disgust (graciously of course) and then proceeded to rail against the problems with education today.

I'm Welsh, which means I'm of a slightly emotional disposition anyway, but I found listening to Ian on Communion with God profoundly moving and made me want to know and experience Communion with God in a much greater way. Do listen here