Jesus Power without Measure

Paul Levy
When I was growing up during the 1980s in Wales the preacher everybody loved probably more than any other was J Douglas Macmillan. I only heard him in the flesh a handful of  times but each occasion is embedded in my memory.  Probably the greatest evangelistic sermon I've ever heard was preached by him. You can listen to it here. I make my interns listen to it  and each one responds by saying it feels like they've been in a fight.

Douglas Macmillan was a shepherd and a man mountain. There is an aggression and manliness to his preaching which just makes you want to listen. He wasn't the kind of man you'd mess with but had an attractive humanity about him. He was primarily a preacher who also served as Prof of Church History at the Free Church college. He died suddenly in 1991, aged 58.

The reason for drawing your attention to him is I've just picked up, second hand, his 'Jesus Power Without Measure' which was his final book. I'd not read it before, but it's terrific and remarkably incisive. Sadly it's out of print.  The book deals with the Spirit's ministry in the life of Christ.

He published 2 other books:

The Lord's My Shepherd - which is the substance of addresses delivered at the Aberystwyth Conference in 1978.  It's been reprinted about 20 odd times.

Wrestling with God -  which is his little book on Jacob from 1983 Aberystwyth conference addresses but this is out of print too.

Finally CFP published a book in his memory The God of all Grace

Reading is not the same as listening to him but someone should definitely republish Jesus Power Without Measure