
Paul Levy

When I signed up for Reformation 21 my initial thought was free books; publishers will be sending them in from all over the place to get a plug on Ref 21. So far only my old friends David Gibson and  Kelly Kapic have come up trumps with a few free books, so here's rewarding David......

Rich - The reality of encountering Jesus - Peter Dickson with David Gibson - CFP , 117 pages

David Gibson and Pete Dickson work together for a church in Aberdeen and David has done a great job in translating Pete's sermons into English.  Rich is 9 expositions of Luke's gospel, primarily aimed at non Christians, dealing with the theme of riches. There are lots of hooks to interest and the book reads well.

For ministers it's a treasure trove of illustration and  models expository preaching which builds up the church but also engages with outsiders and unbelievers. Happy the people who have these men as their ministers! What I loved about this book is it's obviously aimed at the people these men preach to each week. It's grounded in the reality of a local congregation.  It made me want to preach Luke's gospel which surely means it's a winner.

It could be used to give away to outsiders or even to run a kind of Christianity Explored group. It'll make a great Christmas gift!!

The book is remarkably interesting in it's prose which is surprising because David Gibson, over all the many years I have known him, has written some of the most boring articles known to man! Who can forget those contributions to volumes aimed at kids going to secular university to study theology. Unbelievably they didn't make a second printing.

On the plus side his assumed evangelicalism is terrific and every minister and congregation should read it.

As for sending free books, you send em I'll plug em!!

One more thing; when do the new boys get their photograph up on Ref 21? I see somebody paid for Carl to have his apprentice type pose in his flash office. I can't imagine why he's not ministering in the UK anymore! There's no doubt in my mind Trueman gets preferential treatment, Del boy's pet!

The word on the street is that Liam is on strike until he's gets his photo up.