A word to the unwise

Rodney Trotter
It seems that my old sparring partner, CRT, has earned the ire of Scotland's Free Presbyterians who, while essentially agreeing with much of his analysis of the Lloyd-Jones/Packer split, offer these words of commentary in their April magazine on our colleague's prose style:

Professor Trueman's response [to Iain Murray] is written in an unfortunately-flippant style, with "jesting, which is not convenient"; with unpleasant images (such as "kicking a sheep"); and with a jarring description of Dr Lloyd-Jones as "totally depraved". While theologically accurate, the point, if it needed to be made, should have been done so much more delicately.

So, please, let's have no more inconvenient jesting, unpleasant images (and, if you're out there, Trueman, that applies not just to sheep abuse but also to references to ferret trousering, cans of aerosol cheese, and American men's dress shoes with tassles and gold blingy bits), or application of universally true theological categories to our chosen heroes.