Let God and Let God: An Analysis of Keswick Theology
Let Go and Let God: An Analysis of Keswick Theology, by Andy Naselli has just been pre-released by Logos Bible Software. Among its many endorsers are Justin Taylor and Carl Trueman (see below). More information on the volume is obtainable here.
For years popular Christian teachers have been telling us the secret key to the victorious, higher, deeper, more abundant Christian life. We've been told just to "let go and let God." If you've heard that teaching, you'll want to read this book--the definitive history and critique of second-blessing theology. You'll learn not only where this theology went wrong, but will also discover afresh the well-worn old paths of biblical faithfulness and holiness. Andy Naselli is an extraordinarily careful scholar who leaves no stone unturned, but also a compassionate guide who longs to help and serve the church of Jesus Christ. Readers of this work will be instructed and encouraged in their Christian walk. - Justin Taylor
Holiness movements are part and parcel of the church in every age. In their emphasis on the need for Christianity to make a difference, they represent an important biblical emphasis; but in their detachment from a biblical anthropology, they often tend inevitably towards legalism, lack of assurance, and, worst of all, self-righteousness. In this work, Andy Naselli subjects one of the most influential of modern holiness movements to vigorous, but fair-minded, analysis. In so doing, he makes an important contribution not just to church history but also for all those who seek to address the relevant issues in an informed and thoughtful manner. -- Carl Trueman