PCRT Live Video This Weekend

Rick Phillips

For the first time, we are excited to provide live, free video of the 37th annual Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology from Tenth Presbyterian Church, with the theme "These Last Days".  You can register and view at our AllianceLive! web page.

And what a conference it is!  Friday night brings Sinclair Ferguson preaching, "The Christ of History".  Saturday morning offers Ferguson, D. A. Carson (this is an incredible address), followed by Michael Horton in the afternoon and Philip Ryken on Saturday evening.  Don Carson wraps the conference up during Tenth's morning worship services on Sunday.  My adrenalin is already flowing just planning to get on the plane tomorrow to fly to Philly.  It has been a terrific PCRT season and I expect that the finale in Philadelphia will bring things to their typical crescendo.  Now you can join via live video.

Here's the Philly PCRT schedule:

Friday night, 7pm, opening session, Sinclair Ferguson, "The Christ of History"

Saturday morning, 9 am, D. A. Carson, "This Present Evil Age," (Rev. 12)

Saturday morning, 10 am, Sinclair Ferguson, "The Age of the Spirit"

Saturday morning, 11 am, Question and Answer (all speakers)

Saturday afternoon, 2 pm, Michael S. Horton, "The Resurrection Hope"

Saturday afternoon, 3:15, seminars (I don't think these will be available on video, but I could be wrong).

Saturday evening, 7:00 pm, Philip G. Ryken, The Eternal Glory (Rev. 21-22).