PCRT Reading Recommendations

This weekend we kickoff the 2018 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, meeting April 13-15 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Our theme this year is The Spirit of the Age: The Age of the Spirit. I am excited to welcome Conrad Mbewe and Danny Akin and looking forward to exploring the mighty work of the Holy Spirit in the age of the gospel. Especially exciting is our privilege to hear the teaching of Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., whose teaching on the resurrection Spirit literally changed my life when I sat under his seminary teaching. Friday will be a priceless opportunity to hear Dr. Gaffin lecture on Pentecost and the Work of the Spirit Today.
Now, for some book suggestions related to this important theme.
First, I can turn to no other than Dr. Gaffin himself. For a more academic version of his essential work, Perspectives on Pentecost, will open up his teaching on the difference that Christ's sending of the Spirit has really made.
For a less academic, but mind-expanding work on the gospel, Gaffin's By Faith, Not By Sight: Paul and the Order of Salvation is an classic that I cannot recommend too highly.
Other books that will inform the topic of our time as the Age of the Spirit are Geerhardus Vos' classic, The Pauline Eschatology and Anthony Hoekema's The Bible and the Future. One of our previous PCRT conferences tackled this theme in book form, These Last Days, edited by me and Gabriel Fluhrer.
I have no doubt that conference attenders will be delighted to hear Conrad Mbewe, and readers will be blessed to consider his book, Pastoral Preaching: Building a People for God.
When we think of the work of the Spirit in our age, we inevitable turn to the Spirit's power in the inspired Word of God. If you have not read Kevin DeYoung's Taking God at His Word, you will be soundly instructed in this brief commendation of the Bible.
Kevin has also authored a meaty booklet on The Holy Spirit, that is an ideal introduction to this theme.
Finally, some years ago we held a memorable conference on The Promised Holy Spirit, the audio recordings of which are available in our Reformed Resources.
I look forward to seeing you in Grand Rapids, or in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania on April 27-29!