A Cloud of Reformers

May 16, 2017
Our friends, over at Place for Truth, have recently added Simonetta Carr's blog, A Cloud of Witnesses, to their site. Simonetta is writing about the Reformers and those in church history who have influenced them. Her first post is dedicated to the life and legacy of Peter Martyr Vermigli (1499-1562)--the great Italian Reformer. We encourage you to make Simonetta's site a part of your regular reading.
For those of you who may not be familiar with Simonetta, here's a brief bio:
Simonetta Carr was born in Italy and has lived and worked in different cultures. She has written numerous books and contributed to newspapers and magazines around the world. Additionally, she has translated the works of several authors from English into Italian and vice versa. Presently, she lives in San Diego with her husband Thomas and the youngest of her eight children. She is a member and Sunday School teacher at Christ United Reformed Church.