Alistair Begg in Princeton, on audio and video

December 8, 2014
The Alliance was pleased to partner once again with the Princeton regional Conference on Reformed Theology. Ian Hamilton and Alistair Begg brought the doctrine of Providence to us in a clear and compelling way. You can download or order copies of the audio recordings from Reformed Resources.
Cairn University, our Philadelphia region university partner, hosted Alistair and has produced this video. It is hosted by Jonathan Master, executive editor of Place for Truth.
The doctrine of providence, far from being an abstract and distant truth, is both a great mystery and a deep comfort. It is unfathomable how God can govern all His creatures to accomplish His ends and yet it provides immense assurance for the Christian to know that events are in God's hands. God is not distant and uninvolved, nor can He be confused with His creation. His relationship to the world is clearly shown in the Bible's teaching on providence. The doctrine of providence helps us understand God's sovereignty and power and, in response to this mystery and comfort, to respond in trust and praise.
The 6 messages of Providence include:
"God's Providence Defined" by Alistair Begg
"God's Providence in the Lives of His servants" by Ian Hamilton
"God's Providence in the Death of Jesus Christ" by Alistair Begg
"God's Providence and Our Worship" by Ian Hamilton
"Providence: Personal Reflections" by Alistair Begg
"Making Sense of the Mysteries of Providence: The Practice of Living Faithfully" by Ian Hamilton
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