More on Mohler, Patterson and Calvinism

Ligon Duncan
Baptist Press (BP) has produced a nice piece on the Al Mohler-Paige Patterson dialogue on Calvinism and evangelism/missions. You can read it here. As the title suggests, BP reports a desire that this issue not unnecessarily divide Baptists. That is actually a very positive thing - since it has been Calvinist ministerial candidates and ministers in the SBC who have borne the brunt of theological suspicion. Let's hope a new day is dawning in the SBC where this issue is on the table in the most positive and constructive of ways.

On the other hand, such was the positive response in Greensboro and in the blogosphere to Al Mohler's brilliant and winsome presentation of "Calvinism," one wonders if this public discussion at the Pastor's Conference will actually help propel the growing movement of young Southern Baptists considering and embracing the doctrines of grace.