Andrew Fuller

Justin Taylor
Last night at the annual Desiring God Pastors' Conference, John Piper gave a biographical address on Andrew Fuller:

Holy Faith, Worthy Gospel, World Vision: Andrew Fuller’s Broadsides Against Sandemanianism, Hyper-Calvinism, and Global Unbelief.(audio)

(The manuscript is here.)

Here are some other projects on Fuller in the works:

The Andrew Fuller Works Project is underway. "The aim of this project is to publish a modern critical edition of the entire corpus of Andrew Fuller’s published and unpublished works. It is expected that this edition will comprise at least twelve volumes and take eight to ten years to publish." Volume 1 (pictured to the left) is available from

Michael Haykin announced last fall that a conference on “Andrew Fuller the Reader” will be held at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, August 27-28, 2007. Topics and speakers include: “The Contemporary significance of Andrew Fuller” (Russell Moore); “Andrew Fuller: Heir of the Reformation” (Jeff Jue); “John Owen’s Influence on Andrew Fuller” (Carl Trueman); and “Jonathan Edwards—Theological Mentor to Andrew Fuller” (Tom Nettles).

The Elephant of Kettering: "This blog serves to increase people's knowledge of one of the greatest Baptist theologians of all time. Andrew Fuller (1754-1815) was an able pastor, theologian, missionary statesman, and godly follower of Jesus Christ. Posts will be made that offer a contribution to the life and thought of Andrew Fuller. This will also be a site dedicated to promoting books, articles, conferences, etc. on Andrew Fuller."

Below are some quotes from Piper's ms: