The masculinity of Confessional Churchmen
September 7, 2007
Yesterday, I drew attention to the essay on James Buchanan by Carl Trueman in a recently published volume by P & R (The Faith Once Delivered). This morning, in our regular Friday staff meeting (when I'm asked by Ligon Duncan, "Do you have anything for us today") I cited these lines from the essay. They are particularly helpful in light of recent statements made by those who should know better about the view known as "Federal Vision". What betrays them is a yearning for novelty of thought (and expression), a kind of snobbery for the present that makes them appear cutting-edge in the eyes of the theologically illiterate. Sadly, it is seen (and heard) in those who have no regard for the constraints of confessional orthodoxy and pay mere lip-service to the fellowship of church courts (or think themselves above such things).