Favorite Books of 2014
December 18, 2014
Systematic Theology Vol. 2 by Douglas Kelly
This is my pick for “Book of the Year.” I love the way Dr. Kelly writes. The second volume in his Systematic Theology is beautifully written and well ordered. It is theology the way it ought to be written. As he does in the first volume Kelly interacts heavily with the earliest theologians of the church. Here is theology as doxology. It was joy to linger over every page.
Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung
This got my award for “most important book of the year.” It is a well written thoroughly accessible study of the doctrine of Scripture. Must reading for Christians.
Sex and Violence in the Bible by Joseph W. Smith
A frank but not sensational study of sex and violence in the Bible which combines both scholarly rigor and belief.
From Heaven He Came and Sought Her ed. by Gibson & Gibson
Okay this book was released at the end of last year but I didn’t start reading it until January so I’m counting it in my 2014 list. The most comprehensive and convincing study of the doctrine of definite atonement I know of. Essential reading.
Job: The Wisdom of the Cross by Christopher Ash
Fortunately this commentary was released a few weeks before I began preaching through Job. It is brilliant.
For the Glory of God by Daniel Block
Dr. Block uses his exceptional skills as an exegete to develop a thorough study of worship as it is described and prescribed in the Bible. I don’t agree with every conclusion reached by the author but the book’s strengths are significant.
Galatians (BECNT) by Douglas Moo
I have a rule: If Doug Moo writes it, I read it. This commentary has got me antsy to preach through Galatians.
Expositional Preaching by David Helm
Helm is an excellent teacher of preaching and those gifts come through well in this excellent little book.
God Dwells Among Us by Greg Beale
I am so glad there is now a more accessible version of Beale’s excellent The Temple and the Church’s Mission.
Christ Crucified by Donald MacLeod
With the possible exception of J.I. Packer, there is no theologian I would rather read than Donald MacLeod. This book on the atonement is a treasure.
A Spy Among Friends by Ben Macintyre
The fascinating story of Kim Philby, the committed Soviet spy who lived as a well-connected Cambridge man betraying all those who were close to him.
Savage Harvest by Carl Hoffman
The harrowing tale of Michael Rockefeller’s last days is finally solved in this fascinating tale of the violent intersection between modern civilization and stone age superstitions.
On My Christmas List:
George Whitfield: America's Spiritual Founding Father by Thomas Kidd
Stalin Vol. 1:Paradoxes of Power by Stephen Kotkin