When political ends trump the gospel...

From an interview of Jerry Falwell Jr. by Glenn Beck:

Falwell Jr: "We can argue about theology after we save the country."

There is so much wrong with that statement that it would be difficult to unpack it all. It is also a window into the sad state of Liberty University. Glenn Beck, a Mormon, needs to hear the Gospel. I am thankful that Pete Lilback of Westminster Seminary has clearly explained the Gospel to Glenn and has not confused him by inviting him to speak at commencement.

Apparently Falwell Jr. calls declaring the Gospel clearly "arguing about theology." Once again political ends trump Gospel clarity. We see this from the political right and left. The command to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers is routinely disobeyed to achieve political goals.

To all of my friends on the right and left: We cannot save the country. The only hope for our country is the only hope for all people - The Gospel. We dare not compromise it.