Bible Study Help

I posted on a while back. Seeing Justin Taylor's post on it today prompted me to give another opportunity to check out this very helpful approach to studying the Bible.
Tom Steller recently wrote about the wonderful tool that's been developed,

It is a crucial tool in our discipleship of those preparing for a vocational ministry of the Word and for hungry men and women and teens who simply want to see more clearly the beauty of biblical truth in its scriptural context. has made the method so much easier to learn, to teach, to use, and to share insights with others.

It was developed by a graduate of The Bethlehem Institute, who is currently preparing to go to the Middle East to spread a passion for the supremacy of Christ among unreached peoples there. He is in process of donating to Bethlehem College and Seminary, who will pay him to maintain and further develop the site, which in turn will contribute toward his missionary support.

Tom writes:
Though the site is free for anyone in the world to use, a growing number have chosen to subscribe to a service which allows you to store your arcs on line and share them easily with others. This $10 yearly subscription will allow us to contribute toward the support of this couple serving in the Middle East. Like a lot of things we do, this subscription fee is a “whatever you can afford” fee. So if you can afford only $5 a year, that’s ok. If you can afford $50 a year and want to support this missionary couple that would be great as well.

Here are a few improvements that have been recently made to

  • a "Share" section by which you can view others' work, with Email Alerts
  • ability to Email Your Arc from the site
  • Instant Parsing of Greek words
  • the Old Testament in both English and Hebrew
  • LBLA (Spanish translation) added
  • Auto-Save option
  • Translucent Sticky Notes
  • new Tabs for easier viewing of your arc, notes, and comments
  • Rich Text Editor for propositions, sticky notes, and notes tab
  • Instant Search of your arcs
  • new Arc Graphics (for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari) that are 10x faster and
    much more attractive