Hear Me Calling?

April 2, 2014
Carl, Todd, and I learned the hard way that you can’t always trust the label. For instance, the brother who will not be named decided to invest in a non-fat yogurt shop. To our amazement, the yogurt is delicious! Maybe a little too delicious…
As it turns out, Carl and I packed on a few pounds. So I had the yogurt tested at the lab. Oh, let me tell you, there’s fat in there alright! Meanwhile, Todd is so traumatized that he has some kind of uncontrollable arm spasm every time we mention the name that got us into this mess. (He’s really distraught that ACE will no longer supply us with the falsely advertised yogurt.) Here we are when we enjoyed our delicious yogurt in ignorant bliss:
On a more serious note, the three of us do have a casual conversation on this week’s Mortification of Spin about Sarah Young’s claims in her book Jesus Calling. This leads us to question how Christians can be better equipped to discern the message in the latest popular books so that we are not susceptible every time the wind blows. You can't always trust the label. Take a listen here.