The Westminster Bookstore has a really great event lined up to launch Kevin DeYoung’s new book,
Taking God At His Word. If you are free on April 25, and are anywhere near driving distance to Glen Mills, PA, this will be time well spent. Listen to all you will enjoy for a mere 15 bucks (This is the early bird rate. After April 4
th, the rate increases to $25, which isn’t too shabby either.):
Kevin DeYoungDavid PowlisonK. Scott OliphintG.K. BealeCarl R. TruemanA copy of DeYoung’s book, Taking God At His Word
Lunch catered by Chick Fil A
At least 50% off at the event book table
What more convincing do you need? Get a group together from church or from your book club and make a road trip out of it! I just think this is a great idea and, I have to say I’m kind of jealous. This is my kind of book launch!
Click here for the details and promotion material and pass it along to your church and friends.