Jakes: A Helpful Book Survey

Jakes: A Helpful Book Survey

Thanks to the great and the good (both the vocal and, more worryingly, the strangely silent), I am sure many pastors of churches will now have to waste a lot of valuable time reading the works of T D Jakes in order to help their congregations understand why there is concern not simply about his doctrine of God but also his understanding of how the Lord blesses his people.  You can probably skip the diet book; his nutritional advice is not, as far as I know, a matter of heated debate

Justin Taylor has brought my attention to a very helpful survey of his writings at 9 Marks.  This may well help to save some time which could then be spent on other things, like pastoral care and preparing sermons.

One thing in all this is very puzzling: few evangelical leaders have hesitated to warn in the past against Joel Osteen.  Jakes' theology of prosperity seems little different yet there is comparative silence in those same quarters on this man.  Is Osteen simply a soft-target?  Or is it just that he does not hang in the right crowd these days?  There is no doubt who is going to be being read in more evangelical congregations in the coming weeks and months.