Cracking Article
Cracking Article
January 5, 2012
Thanks to a well-wisher for bringing this article to my attention. Well worth a read and I assume the follow-ups will be too.
Multi-site represents yet another aspect of the undoing of the Reformation -- perhaps one of the most dangerous because one of the most subtle. To me it looks like a strange mixture of the medieval fetish of the charismatic leader (now with proximity being by technology as opposed to being by cadaver), the convenience-shapes-everything ethic of gospel consumerism and the odd church empire building that is such a part of American evangelicalism these days. But hey, I've said all this before. Read the article to hear a critical take from somebody different (though it is just slightly ironic that the author is `Director of Internet Ministry' -- but nobody's perfect).
Multi-site represents yet another aspect of the undoing of the Reformation -- perhaps one of the most dangerous because one of the most subtle. To me it looks like a strange mixture of the medieval fetish of the charismatic leader (now with proximity being by technology as opposed to being by cadaver), the convenience-shapes-everything ethic of gospel consumerism and the odd church empire building that is such a part of American evangelicalism these days. But hey, I've said all this before. Read the article to hear a critical take from somebody different (though it is just slightly ironic that the author is `Director of Internet Ministry' -- but nobody's perfect).