New Book
January 7, 2011
I just received in the post a copy of Mike Reeves's new book, On Giants' Shoulders: Introducing Great Theologians from Luther to Barth (IVP UK). This is a companion volume to his earlier work, The Breeze of the Centuries, which took the story of theology, via short studies of its greatest exponents, from the Apostolic Fathers up to Aquinas. This latest volume deals with Luther, Calvin, Owen, Edwards, Schleiermacher, and Barth. I had the pleasure of reading the book as a manuscript and can vouch for it being a great read, thoughtful, informed, and suitably generous to those with whom the author happens to disagree. Highly recommended for anyone who wants a better grasp of their theological heritage. I hope that an American publisher will pick up these two books and do an edition over here.
One small quibble: Mike describes Edwards as `America's theologian.' Well, he was, of course, not an American but rather a loyal subject of the British Crown, and thus part of that traditional practice which Paul Levy so laments, whereby Britain has always provided America with her best theological and ecclesiastical minds.
So, which Yank institution is going to be the first to make Reevesy an offer he can't refuse?
One small quibble: Mike describes Edwards as `America's theologian.' Well, he was, of course, not an American but rather a loyal subject of the British Crown, and thus part of that traditional practice which Paul Levy so laments, whereby Britain has always provided America with her best theological and ecclesiastical minds.
So, which Yank institution is going to be the first to make Reevesy an offer he can't refuse?