Free Church of Scotland

Free Church of Scotland

The Free Church Assembly has come to an end, London FC minister, Dave Strain, my old pal and perennially pessimillennialist (at least as far as the FCS goes) has a good -- and `strain'gely optimistic analysis of the week on his blog:

The big event was the Moderator's plea for evangelical church unity in Scotland, a formal visit by a C of S delegate to the Assembly (goodness -- we let any old riff-raff in these days), and the passing of a joint declaration by C of S and F C of S.  While I personally long for the good old days of butchering each other with claymores on the hillsides of Ayrshire (out of love, of course), perhaps that is a little counterproductive these days.

The Moderator's address can be found at Dave's blog.

One former C of S minister told me this week that, if I lived long enough, I might be able to conduct his funeral.   Not quite. Sadly, while the C of S are now welcome in St Columba's, poor old Trueman has been forced to seek shelter in the OPC.  More cause for Free Church optimism, I suspect.