August 9: Ruth 2
August 9, 2010
As Ruth finds herself gleaning in the field of a near-kinsman by the name of Boaz, he, in turn, is immediately impressed with her - enough to begin making inquiries about her (2:5, 14). What is it about her that has caught his eye? First is the meekness and gentleness of her spirit. She bows before him (2:10), expressing total amazement that he should even take notice of her. There is nothing forward about Ruth. She emerges in this chapter as an example of Peter's description of a godly woman: "let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious" (1 Pet. 3:4).
Second, Ruth views her rights (to glean in the fields according to Mosaic law for the poor) as privileges to be thankful for. There is no recrimination or complaint from her lips but only the sound of grateful heart that provides for a widow in great need.
Third, she is a woman of great industry and resourcefulness. Boaz's foreman makes the point very clear: "she has continued from early morning until now, except for a short rest" (2:7). Here is a woman with a work ethic. Her outward industry matched the disposition of her heart.
Here, in tale which is essentially about God's fulfillment of the plan of redemption to provide a Savior for the sons of Adam (Gen. 3:15) - Ruth and Boaz's son (4:17) will the grandfather of King David (4:22) - in whose line according to the flesh, Jesus will one day be born (Luke 3:22). But contained with the macrocosmic picture of God's redemptive designs is a microcosmic cameo of how God provides a suitable wife for a godly man. This story too is important for in it we see a pattern that is meant to be of aid to Christians at all times. It says to Christian men who desire a wife, "Look for a woman of this sort if you intend to build a godly marriage."
Second, Ruth views her rights (to glean in the fields according to Mosaic law for the poor) as privileges to be thankful for. There is no recrimination or complaint from her lips but only the sound of grateful heart that provides for a widow in great need.
Third, she is a woman of great industry and resourcefulness. Boaz's foreman makes the point very clear: "she has continued from early morning until now, except for a short rest" (2:7). Here is a woman with a work ethic. Her outward industry matched the disposition of her heart.
Here, in tale which is essentially about God's fulfillment of the plan of redemption to provide a Savior for the sons of Adam (Gen. 3:15) - Ruth and Boaz's son (4:17) will the grandfather of King David (4:22) - in whose line according to the flesh, Jesus will one day be born (Luke 3:22). But contained with the macrocosmic picture of God's redemptive designs is a microcosmic cameo of how God provides a suitable wife for a godly man. This story too is important for in it we see a pattern that is meant to be of aid to Christians at all times. It says to Christian men who desire a wife, "Look for a woman of this sort if you intend to build a godly marriage."