MDB 41: Exodus 12

What did the exodus mean for God's people?
First, it meant victory over the Egyptians. Exodus 12 uses the language of warfare as it describes the people of God leaving the land of their captors. It was as an army ready for battle that they left Egypt (13:18), and like an army who had plundered their foes (12:36). By God's grace, the captive Israelites became the victors, and the Egyptians the captives. God restored to his people all that Egypt had taken from them (cf. the same sentiment in Psalm 69:4 AV and Joel 2:25).
Second, it meant freedom for thousands of Israelites.The number of 600,000 men is given in 12:37, which does not include women and children. In addition, others went with them, as well as cattle and herds (12:38). The result was spectacular: 430 years of dwelling in Egypt had come to an end through the supernatural intervention of God, with Israel prepared to leave.No wonder this was a night worth remembering and keeping as a memorial to the Lord (12:42).
Third - which had been God's purpose all along - it meant the opportunity to worship. This chapter is full of reference to the Passover, with detailed stipulations given for who may participate in the festival. Foreigners and 'hired servants' are excluded, while 'all the congregation of Israel' are included. This includes those who willingly join themselves to the covenant community through circumcision (12:48).
This is what it means to live the Christian life: to have victory over sin and Satan, freedom and liberty in Christ Jesus, and a joyful confidence in worshipping God.