Two of my good friends and colleagues speak on church history

Bruce Gordon, the Titus Street Professor of Church History at Yale University Divinity School, has made some wonderful contributions to the scholarly world of church history. Bruce and I first met at a monastery, of all places, in January 1989, when we were both postgraduates in Church History in Scotland and -- what can I say? -- since then we've been an intermittent double act: being interviewed for, and failing to get, the same job at an institution which shall remain nameless; speaking together at the British Academy on the reception of the continental reformation in the British Isles; and now co-editing the Oxford Handbook of Calvin and Calvinism where he is writing on Calvinism and eternity, and I look at the literary representation of Calvinism in the works of Sir Walter Scott and James Hogg. Anyway, he recently took time off from being the more brilliant half of church history's answer to Bert and Ernie to give an interview to another friend, Jon Master, on the use of church history to Christians. It is well worth a listen. You can find it here.