Four New Horsemen

August 4, 2014
Ref21 is pleased to announce the addition of four new contributors who have joined the ranks of those determined to fight the forces of the Empire. They are: Scott Swain, professor at RTS
Orlando, and author of a number of books, including an excellent study of Robert Jenson. Aaron Denlinger, of Reformation Bible College and student of seventeenth century Reformed orthodoxy. Bruce Baugus, professor at RTS Jackson and editor of a new collection of essays on China's reforming churches. And, last but not least (even though, as an Anglican he possibly deserves that status), my old colleague from Themelios days, Mike Reeves, a man who shares the same suspicions as I do with regard to those who run the Syndicate.
We are grateful to have these brothers join the struggle against the polite consensus of conservative evangelical correctness.

We are grateful to have these brothers join the struggle against the polite consensus of conservative evangelical correctness.