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Two former students of mine, Steve Casselli and Dustyn Eudaly, have this week led their kirk session in a controversial but necessary stand relative to the use of their church building by the Boy Scouts of America.   They will no doubt be lamented as bigots; for me, the truly lamentable aspects of this are the sad, sophomoric need of the powerful in our society to sexualise everything and the combination of this moral myopia with an aggressive agenda of absolute conformity -- an agenda which is being pressed home not simply politically, rhetorically and legislatively but with every organic element of the media.  As I have said numerous times before on this blog, the time is coming -- perhaps is now here -- where anything short of the acceptance of an ethic of sexual anarchy bounded only by the principle of consent will be regarded by the powerbrokers of our culture as the moral equivalent of white supremacism.  And do not think that nuance will save you -- the opposition is so strong that it does not need to care for your nuance any more.

You can read the story here and here.

Please pray for the church in what will no doubt be a very traumatic few weeks.

Please pray that Steve Casselli and Dustyn Eudaly have peace and resolution in their stand.

Please pray for the session, that they will draw comfort and strength from the Lord.

Please pray especially for their wives (and children) who are often the forgotten sufferers and victims when controversy breaks over the heads of their husbands.

And pray that when an analogous issue hits your church -- which it will do -- you too will have the wisdom to know what to do and the strength to stand firm.  As the recent photography case in New Mexico shows, minding your own business will not save you any more than nuance.  Move beyond your own front door and the price of citizenship is sexual conformity.