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Over at The Housewife Theologian, 'Nunchucks' has posted a guest column by Persis Lorenti reflecting on a recent Mortification of Spin, specifically on the question of why women in abusive relationships are often reluctant to ask for help.

The sad news from the UK is that Oliver Barclay, a very influential but understated leader in the post-war evangelical world, has died.  The Independent carries an obituary of him.   I never met Dr. Barclay but owe him a debt of gratitude: in the mid 1990s, he recommended my name to John Benton as someone to write occasional columns for the British evangelical newspaper, Evangelicals Now. Until that time, I had written solely for the secular academic audience, so he gave me my first break into writing of a more journalistic and non-historical vein.  For that I am grateful; others are perhaps less so.

molesworth_reasonably_small.jpgFinally, for any who have missed it, Denny Burk's excellent book, What is the Meaning of Sex, is now available.