Understanding Pastors

Andy Naselli posted the following:
Dan Burrell, a former pastor, offers what he calls “some things that I’m guessing your pastor wishes you knew about him” (part 1 / part 2).

He lists ten main points:
1. Bible college and seminary weren’t enough.
2. Good sermon preparation takes time.
3. His family is important too.
4. Be kind if you have a criticism.
5. Give your pastor time to grow.
6. Your pastor probably views you differently than you view him.
7. Pastors sometimes find it difficult to have friendships.
8. Your pastor may well be different out of the pulpit than when he’s in the pulpit and that doesn’t necessarily make him a hypocrite.
9. Your pastor has bills too.
10. Your pastor loves the work of the ministry.

I really resonate with these words. I must confess that we pastors can tend toward self-pity. I think that is born chiefly in the fact that we often times feel as if no one understands us. Boo Hoo! Right? Whether right or wrong I think Dan Burrell's post gives some valuable insight into why we pastors are the way we are.