"The Abbreviated Jesus"
November 19, 2008
Good stuff from Michael Spencer:
Read the entire post HERE.
You’re going to discover that there’s a remarkable resemblance between the abbreviated Jesus and the current version of political correctness. (Isn’t it unusual how Jesus takes an interest in whatever happens to be the current rage on CNNMSNBCCBSSUSATODAY?
I’m not sure this abbreviated Jesus believes in hell.
He seems considerably more flexible on sexual matters than one would believe reading the Bible.
Living together before marriage? The abbreviated Jesus seems to have not issued a statement on that one.
I actually think the abbreviated Jesus doesn’t like to be bothered with issues of morality, character or behavior. He’s mostly interested in larger political and cultural issues, or your experience at your local church, or how you’re doing in your relationships.
The abbreviated Jesus has quite a bit in common with contemporary “life coaches,” talk show hosts, political apologists, faith-based advocates, teachers of “principles,” community organizers and family values lobbyists.
The people who talk about the abbreviated Jesus don’t seem to know much about the Bible. Not at all.
Read the entire post HERE.