Genesis and Life's Big Questions

May 2, 2016
I am currently preaching a series of messages on the first three chapters of Genesis. The sermons are framed around key questions concerning worldview: Why is there something rather than nothing? What is God? What does it mean to be human? Etc. Throughout the preparation I have found certain books to be particularly helpful. Listing them here, of course, does not mean that I agree with every view of the various authors.
Genesis (TCNT) by Derek Kidner
Genesis 1-17 (NICOT) Victor Hamilton
Genesis by John Calvin
Genesis by Bruce Waltke
In The Beginning by Henri Blocher
Genesis in Space and Time by Francis Schaeffer
Creation and Blessing by Allen Ross
Preaching Christ from Genesis by Sidney Greidanus
The First Chapters of Everything by Alisdair Payne
The Genesis Debate edited by David Hagopian
Doctrine of Creation
God’s Pattern for Creation by Robert Godfrey
Last Things First by John Fesko
The Quest for the Historical Adam by William Vandoodewaard
Creation Regained by Albert Wolters
God, Adam, and You edited by Richard Phillips
Doctrine of Humanity
Adam, The Fall, and Original Sin edited by Hans Madueme
The Doctrine of Humanity by Charles Sherlock
Created in God's Image by Anthony Hoekema
Biblical Theology
God Dwells Among Us by Greg Beale
The Temple and the Church’s Mission by Greg Beale
The God of Promise and the Life of Faith by Scott Hafemann
God’s Big Design by Vaughan Roberts
Better Than the Beginning by Richard Barcellos
Darwin on Trial by Phillip Johnson
Should Christians Embrace Evolution? edited by Norman Nevin
Creation and Change by Douglas Kelly
From Darwin to Hitler by Richard Weikart