Evangelistic Unbelief

August 25, 2014
It seems that unbelief is all the rage among some who identify themselves as Christian. Specifically, asserting that the Bible is filled with errors to the extent that Christianity needs redefining is, among some, a mark of a truly mature faith.
Enter Michael Kruger.
Dr. Krueger is a Professor of New Testament and President of Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. He is also author of the enormously helpful Canon Revisited and The Question of Canon. In addition he is proprietor of one of the best blogs going - Canon Fodder.
Recently, Dr. Kruger began a series of posts in response to Dr. Pete Enns' series over at Patheos. Dr. Enns, formerly of Westminster Seminary is now teaching at Eastern University in the western suburbs of Philadelphia (Parents, consider a state university for your children over a liberal Christian university. But I digress). Dr. Enns has carved out a place for himself among those who regularly and enthusiastically deny the historical reliability of Scripture. Appropriately, Dr. Enns entitled his corner at Patheos "Rethinking Biblical Christianity." As the names suggests, Dr. Enns' project is not merely to deny the inerrancy of Scripture but to change the way we think about Christianity itself. I suppose he deserves credit for understanding that once you throw out confidence in Scripture, a redefinition of Christianity becomes necessary. What is troubling is the evangelistic zeal Dr. Enns (and others) has for spreading his message of the Bible's unreliability.
I am thankful that men like Michael Kruger, Greg Beale, Darrell Bock, Andreas Kostenberger, and others are not content to sit back and yawn at a fellow scholar's zeal to popularize skepticism and unbelief among unsuspecting Christians.
Enter Michael Kruger.
Dr. Krueger is a Professor of New Testament and President of Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. He is also author of the enormously helpful Canon Revisited and The Question of Canon. In addition he is proprietor of one of the best blogs going - Canon Fodder.
Recently, Dr. Kruger began a series of posts in response to Dr. Pete Enns' series over at Patheos. Dr. Enns, formerly of Westminster Seminary is now teaching at Eastern University in the western suburbs of Philadelphia (Parents, consider a state university for your children over a liberal Christian university. But I digress). Dr. Enns has carved out a place for himself among those who regularly and enthusiastically deny the historical reliability of Scripture. Appropriately, Dr. Enns entitled his corner at Patheos "Rethinking Biblical Christianity." As the names suggests, Dr. Enns' project is not merely to deny the inerrancy of Scripture but to change the way we think about Christianity itself. I suppose he deserves credit for understanding that once you throw out confidence in Scripture, a redefinition of Christianity becomes necessary. What is troubling is the evangelistic zeal Dr. Enns (and others) has for spreading his message of the Bible's unreliability.
I am thankful that men like Michael Kruger, Greg Beale, Darrell Bock, Andreas Kostenberger, and others are not content to sit back and yawn at a fellow scholar's zeal to popularize skepticism and unbelief among unsuspecting Christians.