Vatican Files

Leonardo De Chirico
100 Days with Pope Francis Roughly one hundred days ago, March 12th 2013, Cardinal Bergoglio was elected to the chair of Peter becoming Pope Francis, the 266th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Such a counting takes for granted that Peter was the first Pope and that an unbroken chain of successors...
Leonardo De Chirico
100 Days with Pope Francis Roughly one hundred days ago, March 12th 2013, Cardinal Bergoglio was elected to the chair of Peter becoming Pope Francis, the 266th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Such a counting takes for granted that Peter was the first Pope and that an unbroken chain of successors...
Leonardo De Chirico
Not By Improvisation Alone: The Vatican at the Venice Biennale Today "the arts" is a term that captures the imagination of many in evangelical circles. If you want to be hip and relevant as you cast your ministry vision, you must talk about the arts. The problem, however, with all this talk about "...
Leonardo De Chirico
Not By Improvisation Alone: The Vatican at the Venice Biennale Today "the arts" is a term that captures the imagination of many in evangelical circles. If you want to be hip and relevant as you cast your ministry vision, you must talk about the arts. The problem, however, with all this talk about "...
Leonardo De Chirico
The New Evangelization and Its Silences "The New Evangelization" is the buzzword for much of what happens at the Vatican. It could well become the catchword of Ratzinger's entire pontificate given the attention that is receiving. Benedict XVI instituted a new Pontifical Council in 2010 entirely...
Leonardo De Chirico
The New Evangelization and Its Silences "The New Evangelization" is the buzzword for much of what happens at the Vatican. It could well become the catchword of Ratzinger's entire pontificate given the attention that is receiving. Benedict XVI instituted a new Pontifical Council in 2010 entirely...
Leonardo De Chirico
The Roman Catholic Church is masterful at celebrating special years: the year of Jubilee, the Holy year, the Marian year, the Year for priests, etc. In a sense, every year is a "special" occasion for something. So it was with the Pauline Year (PY). Designed to celebrate the bimillennium of the...
Leonardo De Chirico
The Roman Catholic Church is masterful at celebrating special years: the year of Jubilee, the Holy year, the Marian year, the Year for priests, etc. In a sense, every year is a "special" occasion for something. So it was with the Pauline Year (PY). Designed to celebrate the bimillennium of the...
Leonardo De Chirico
One of the prerogatives of the teaching office of the Pope is to hold the cathedra Petri (Peter's chair). St. Peter's basilica hosts the relics of a chair that tradition traces back to the apostle Peter (though, like most relics, it was produced in the Middle Ages). The cathedra Petri is part of...
Leonardo De Chirico
One of the prerogatives of the teaching office of the Pope is to hold the cathedra Petri (Peter's chair). St. Peter's basilica hosts the relics of a chair that tradition traces back to the apostle Peter (though, like most relics, it was produced in the Middle Ages). The cathedra Petri is part of...