Church History

Carl Trueman Articles
In the field of Reformation studies, Professor Brad Gregory is somebody for whom I have immense respect. Those outside the discipline of history are possibly unaware of the ravages which postmodernism brought in its wake, making all narratives negotiable and fuelling a rise in interest in all...
Carl Trueman Articles
In the field of Reformation studies, Professor Brad Gregory is somebody for whom I have immense respect. Those outside the discipline of history are possibly unaware of the ravages which postmodernism brought in its wake, making all narratives negotiable and fuelling a rise in interest in all...
John Ross Articles
Without entering into a private spat, Carl Trueman's recent cogent and spirited riposte to Iain H. Murray's allegations inclines me to offer some personal observations on some of the effects of Dr. Lloyd-Jones' ambivalence toward some questions of ecclesiology. It is hard for anyone who did not...
John Ross Articles
Without entering into a private spat, Carl Trueman's recent cogent and spirited riposte to Iain H. Murray's allegations inclines me to offer some personal observations on some of the effects of Dr. Lloyd-Jones' ambivalence toward some questions of ecclesiology. It is hard for anyone who did not...
Carl Trueman Articles
I have spent most of my life connected in some sense to Rome. At school and then at university, I was a Classics man. I preferred Greek tragedy to Roman comedy; but when it came to history, politics, poetry and oratory, I was a Rome man. Julius Caesar, Vergil, and, above all, the great Cicero, were...
Carl Trueman Articles
I have spent most of my life connected in some sense to Rome. At school and then at university, I was a Classics man. I preferred Greek tragedy to Roman comedy; but when it came to history, politics, poetry and oratory, I was a Rome man. Julius Caesar, Vergil, and, above all, the great Cicero, were...
Carl Trueman Articles
Over the last few months, I have been asked in numerous contexts what I think about the young, restless and reformed (YRR) movement(s) described in Collin Hansen's book of the same name. I did do a quasi -review of this book some time ago, in which I argued that the existence of the movement seemed...
Carl Trueman Articles
Over the last few months, I have been asked in numerous contexts what I think about the young, restless and reformed (YRR) movement(s) described in Collin Hansen's book of the same name. I did do a quasi -review of this book some time ago, in which I argued that the existence of the movement seemed...
Chris Brauns Articles
I've been thinking recently about something television star Kelsey Grammer said. It's not because I saw a rerun of Cheers. Unfortunately, the context is tragic. Grammer has me thinking about well intentioned people who end up "packing unforgiveness." Where deep wounds are concerned, there are those...
Carl Trueman Articles
There are many differences between American and British culture. Most obvious, perhaps, are the sports: baseball versus cricket; and football (where feet are rarely used) versus football (where feet, and the occasional head, are all that can be used); and even, once again, football (where pads are...