Charles Hodge

It is difficult to argue against the claim that Princeton Theological Seminary of Princeton, New Jersey occupied a—if not the —principal position of influence in shaping American Reformed Christianity in the nineteenth century. The years between its founding in 1812 and the resignation of Dr. J...
Donald Macleod
Of any use to whom? Ideally, of course, to the whole world. But imagine yourself walking into a Systematic Theology classroom. Look at the students, and ponder their futures. A few will become academic theologians. Some more will be missionaries. But most will be pastors and preachers. What use is...
Donald Macleod
Of any use to whom? Ideally, of course, to the whole world. But imagine yourself walking into a Systematic Theology classroom. Look at the students, and ponder their futures. A few will become academic theologians. Some more will be missionaries. But most will be pastors and preachers. What use is...