The Housewife Theologian

The Housewife Theologian

Brian Lee, “Is Reformation Christianity Just for Eggheads?,” Modern Reformation 21, No.5 (September-October 2012): 17-20. Rev. Dr. Brian Lee is the pastor of Christ United Reformed Church in Washington, DC. I had the opportunity to have a short conversation with him at a conference I attended last...
I’ve been giving bad church signs a hard time lately—as I should. There’s a huge part of me that wants to march into some of these churches and talk with who is responsible. You know, ask them a few questions about the message they are trying to send, and the actual message that I am receiving. My...
Modest , R. W. Glenn and Tim Challies (Adelphi, MD: CruciformPress, 2012) Funny. Earlier this month I was commenting on all the kerfuffle about modesty on the internet. I wrote an article about how I think we use the word way too narrowly. And then I open my mailbox to receive Cruciform’s latest...
[caption id="attachment_1449" align="alignleft" width="220"][/caption] If you follow my blog, you might have noticed that I regularly review or reflect on books from Cruciform Press . This is a fairly new publisher, offering a subscription...
Well it happened again. There I was, innocently driving my car, only to come face to face with another bad church sign. Here is what the latest offender said: “Pray” is a four-letter word that you can’t say in public school. Really? Let’s get our facts straight before we put them on our church...
Women’s Ministry in the Local Church , J. Ligon Duncan & Susan Hunt (Crossway, 2006) I’m 36 years old. It’s an interesting age. For one thing, I can’t figure out if I’m considered one of the older women in the church or if I still get to be called a young’un. In the women’s Bible study that I’m...
Tim Fall has written another article for us. What do you think about the use of this Greek word in the parable of the True Vine? Jesus tells us plainly that apart from him we can do nothing. That’s not news to me; there’s lots of stuff I fail at, even simple things.Jesus also tells us that in him...
The Christian Faith , Michael Horton (Zondervan, 2011) Since I was emphasizing the covenant aspect of God’s Word in my last book review , I wanted to share an excerpt from Michael Horton’s The Christian Faith , where he dedicates a whole chapter to this idea. Obviously, I can’t share the whole...
I wish I would have exuded the epitome of the godly-helper-wife when my husband asked me to “stop by” the Department of Motor Vehicles to renew his registration sticker for his truck today. I wasn’t. Of course I was going to do it, but I grumbled to make sure he knew how much I really didn’t want...
[caption id="attachment_1410" align="alignleft" width="232"] The Avett Brothers are relevant to my "Maken' Supper" playlist.[/caption] The word relevant is being used pretty selfishly these days when it comes to the church and its teachings. People have become so individualized with their “faith”...