The Housewife Theologian

The Housewife Theologian

There’s one thing that really bothers me about the blogosphere. It is obsessed with the new. We want the latest news, the most innovative commentary, and the most recent reactions to whatever the next new controversy is. We can even get that way with reading Christian books. I love getting bright,...
Be true to yourself. Follow your dreams. Search deep inside for the real you. This is confusing stuff! Sure, these sentiments sound nice, but they are so subjective that you never know when you have arrived at your actual self. We all come to terms with this question of who we are many times...
Matt and I were recently watching an episode of the show Elementary. In it, Sherlock Holmes is struggling with some new-found feelings of personal responsibility. Sherlock is a recovering drug addict, so his sponsor noticed that he was going through some kind of an inner struggle. Sherlock opens up...
Well 2013 has been quite a year. Once again, I cringed at the media's focus of the year's events while hanging out with my family. My daughter wanted to see some of the concerts on Times Square, and we quickly saw that talent wasn't the first consideration in picking out their line-up. Needless to...
Hello Ninja!, by N.D. Wilson. Illustrated by Forrest Dickison (Canonball, 2013) When I was contacted by Canon Press to see if I would review a bedtime story for toddlers, they had me at Hello Ninja . I mean, hello, this would have been the perfect bedtime book for my kids! Anyway, this book has the...
This week's MoS podcast is about Sunday. Well that reminded me of the cool table. I wrote it a couple of years ago, but it's a reflection from one of my favorite books: You know what I’m talking about—the coveted table. The exclusive table. Maybe there was a time in your life (...
Instead of posting a list of my favorite books I read this year, I though I would share with you the ones that drew several articles out of me. These are the books that made me have the most reflections. I actually read this book at the end of 2012. It is convicting in many unsuspecting ways, and...
My new book, Theological Fitness: Why We Need A Fighting Faith , is now available (May 15th). Part of my contract with P&R is to provide a brief book trailer. That puts me in a bind right away because book trailers aren’t exactly as exciting as movie trailers. They are usually either...
On this week's Bully Pulpit episode of the Mortification of Spin , Carl, Todd, and I discuss a Christmas plea to fathers from John Denver (where I for some reason say 6 track instead of 8 track), the incarnation, and punching out heretics. But Carl and Todd are very pleasant and polite for the...
I had never even heard of the doctrines of grace until I was in my early twenties. I remember reading a sermon by Jonathon Edwards that opened the curtain on these doctrines and let the light in. But at first, along with this strange sense of joy and respect for God’s sovereignty, I was really...