

Carl Trueman Articles
There are many differences between American and British culture. Most obvious, perhaps, are the sports: baseball versus cricket; and football (where feet are rarely used) versus football (where feet, and the occasional head, are all that can be used); and even, once again, football (where pads are...
Thabiti Anyabwile
From the Charlotte Observer : In a close vote that reflected deep division, Presbyterian church leaders representing the Charlotte area signaled their support Saturday for ending their denomination's longstanding ban on gays and lesbians becoming pastors and elders. In past years, the Charlotte...
Stephen Nichols
So Derek's in New York? Not to instill within him a spirit of envy (Still a ly sin? Or, was it downwgraded to venial?), but I just so happen to be in Spanish Wells, Bahamas, speaking at a conference with my good friends at The People's Church. There is a bit of justice here, isn't there?
Mark Johnston Articles
There are few things that are more precious to Christ and yet more neglected by his people than the church and what the Bible has to say about it. It is his body and bride and he shed his blood for her salvation; yet churches and Christians pay scant attention to what it is and why it matters. In...
Carl Trueman Articles
One of the modern shibboleths of the evangelical church, particularly the evangelical church in the West, is that of culture. One must be interested in culture, or one is simply irrelevant. Books and organizations abound on Christian approaches to various aspects of modern culture; there are...
Carl Trueman Articles
One of the modern shibboleths of the evangelical church, particularly the evangelical church in the West, is that of culture. One must be interested in culture, or one is simply irrelevant. Books and organizations abound on Christian approaches to various aspects of modern culture; there are...
William B. Evans Articles
A frequent topic of conversation in theological circles recently has been the general revival of interest in Karl Barth's theology, and particularly the revisionist "Neo-Barthian" interpretations proposed by Bruce L. McCormack, currently the Weyerhauser Professor of Systematic Theology at Princeton...
Carl Trueman Articles
What do brainless and temperamental supermodel, Naomi Campbell, and certain leading figures in American evangelical Christianity have in common? No, I am not thinking of the obvious things: first-class air travel, tantrums, five star hotels, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and demands for...
Carl Trueman Articles
What do brainless and temperamental supermodel, Naomi Campbell, and certain leading figures in American evangelical Christianity have in common? No, I am not thinking of the obvious things: first-class air travel, tantrums, five star hotels, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and demands for...
Carl Trueman Articles
Growing up, I adored my grandfather. He was probably the funniest man I ever knew, with a razor sharp wit, absurdism and satire running through his veins, and an imagination that seemed to know no bounds. His letters to me were mini-masterpieces of surreal satire, and he knew how to have fun, how...