

Michael Allen
This is the fifth (and final) article in this series on theological eschatology. To read the other installments, one can find the introduction here , the second here , third here , and fourth here ~ Mark McDowell, editor Theological method follows its matter. In other words, sound theology does not...
Rick Phillips
A couple of years ago, a friend of mine was discussing the necessity of works to salvation when a fellow Reformed minister accused him of legalism. This pastor, noted for promoting a radical version of Lutheran soteriology, cut him down with a slashing riposte. "You sound like a follower of James...
I've been told that some folk are taking issue with John Piper's Foreword to Thomas Schreiner's book on justification. According to Piper, who agrees with Schreiner, we are "right with God by faith alone" but we do not "attain heaven by faith alone." He adds that "there are other conditions for...
Scott Oliphint
In the past three articles, I tried to respond to one particular objection to a Reformed approach to apologetics. That objection centers on a supposed confusion in Covenantal Apologetics between epistemological and ontological principles. There is much more that can be said about that objection,...
Scott Oliphint
In the past three articles, I tried to respond to one particular objection to a Reformed approach to apologetics. That objection centers on a supposed confusion in Covenantal Apologetics between epistemological and ontological principles. There is much more that can be said about that objection,...
In my experience, one of the principal delights of growing older -- more than adequate compensation for hair loss, aches and pains, and other unpleasantries associated with the art -- is seeing one's family increase through the addition of children (and, presumably, grandchildren, though I'm far...
Michael Allen
This is the fourth (and penultimate) article in this series on theological eschatology. To read the other installments, you can find the introduction here , the second here and third here ~ Mark McDowell, editor "I believe in the resurrection of the body" Jesus communicates or makes common those...
Michael Allen
This is the fourth (and penultimate) article in this series on theological eschatology. To read the other installments, you can find the introduction here , the second here and third here ~ Mark McDowell, editor "I believe in the resurrection of the body" Jesus communicates or makes common those...
Eric Hutchinson
It is obvious to me from nature that killing children (born or unborn) is unambiguously a Bad Thing. At the same time, the foregoing has not historically been taken as obvious--or, at least, human beings often have not acted in accordance with that truth. One could note in this regard the widely...
Eric Hutchinson
It is obvious to me from nature that killing children (born or unborn) is unambiguously a Bad Thing. At the same time, the foregoing has not historically been taken as obvious--or, at least, human beings often have not acted in accordance with that truth. One could note in this regard the widely...