

Ligon Duncan
Well, it turns out that the much-ballyhooed Golden Compass is a crashing bore. I finally got around to seeing it last night. There were three other people in the theater. Several things struck me. 1. Yes, the movie's production quality was better than the Narnia film, and at points on par with...
Justin Taylor
The latest 9Marks newsletter--is it still a "newsletter" when it's 46 pages--is now available online. You can read it as a PDF or on their webpage .
Justin Taylor
For those who use, or want to use, the M'Cheyne Bible reading plan, here's a helpful site with various formats to print, view, or receive online.
Justin Taylor
David Powlison offers some reflections on New Year's Resolutions.
Justin Taylor
Some significant news out of Texas: Robert Jeffress, the pastor of First Baptist Dallas, announces that he will be nominating Al Mohler for President of the SBC in Indianapolis this June.
Justin Taylor
It may have been mentioned on this site before, but if not, check out Thabiti Anyabwile's new book, The Decline of African American Theology: From Biblical Faith to Cultural Accommodation , with a foreword by Mark Noll. Rev. Eric Redmond, Pastor of Hillcrest Baptist Church in Temple Hills, MD,...
Rick Phillips
Last month, my wife and I experienced a loss that many others have endured. In the eleventh week of her pregnancy, our little baby died. It was our sixth pregnancy and first lost child. And it deeply grieved our hearts. The process of grief for this loss has been both difficult and insightful. With...
Today is Archbishop Ussher's birthday. Born on this day in 1581, he rose to become the archbishop of Armagh and author of The Annals of the World in which he famously dated the dawn of creation on the night preceding October 23, 4004 BC. As I write, I have deluxe edition of this book (together with...
Justin Taylor
Guy Davies interviews Paul Helm.
Rick Phillips
Justin linked on his blog to my post below regarding our recent loss of a baby. A woman named Christie commented on her desire for biblical support for my confidence in the salvation of our lost child. There must be others with the same question, so I thought I would post my answer here as well.