

Rick Phillips
I have received a couple of emails from my post on Roger Olson's frightening words regarding "the God of Calvinism," asking if I was declaring the man to be unsaved. I do want to go on record as saying that was not my meaning. In general, I try to avoid making pronouncements on an individual's...
“Now, I know that someday I am going to come to what some people will say is the end of this life. They will probably put me in a box and roll me right down here in front of the church, and some people will gather around, and a few people will cry. But I have told them not to do that because I don’...
The Faith Once Delivered Ed. Anthony T. Selvaggio , Essays in Honor of Dr. Wayne R. Spear (P&R, 2007). What a delightful read this book is proving to be. A collection of essays on the theology of the Westminster Confession written by dear friends in honor a similarly dear friend. The writers...
Justin Taylor
Tony Reinke previews the forthcoming ESV Literary Study Bible , edited by Leland Ryken and Philip Ryken.
A reader has written to take issue with my post "Homeward Bound." First the critique, and then my response: Pastor Ryken commends as "good" Thomas R. Taylor's text "I'm But a Stranger Here." I must disagree. I think this text is unworthy to be sung in church. Like too much hymnody, it falls short...
Yesterday, I drew attention to the essay on James Buchanan by Carl Trueman in a recently published volume by P & R ( The Faith Once Delivered ). This morning, in our regular Friday staff meeting (when I'm asked by Ligon Duncan, "Do you have anything for us today") I cited these lines from the...
As a football fan with a rooting interest for the University of Oregon, I write to ask Rick Phillips whether -- in light of Michigan's disastrous start to the college football season -- he wishes to re-evaluate his position vis-a-vis Calvinism or the End Times.
Rick Phillips
I see that Phil has revealed his true character by kicking us Wolverines when we are down (or should I say, by blocking the kick?). And this after I so graciously refrained from finishing a Rick Ankiel steriods post that I was half-way through the other day... Actually, Phil, I believe in a...
Rodney Trotter
Given the reputation of Lig Duncan as the evil genius of the PCA, I have been struck recently by his resemblance to an earlier supernatural villain. I wonder if, perchance, they are related. I think Ref21 readers should be told:
In light of recent posts, need I say more? Anyone got Lindsay Lohan's email? I want to sponsor that remake of Gone with the Wind .