

Rick Phillips
I just returned from the first installment of this year's Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology , at Immanuel Baptist Church in Sacramento, CA. It was another classic PCRT! There were so many highlights, all of them resulting from the Spirit's presence in the preaching of God's Word. I want...
Rick Phillips
It seems that every year at the PCRT, something is said that focuses the entire conference. Last year it was Sinclair Ferguson's insistence that our goal is not merely "to know the truth of God's Word, but to know the power of the truth of God's Word." This last weekend it was a statement made...
Justin Taylor
Here's one Wall Street Journal op-ed piece that Carl may agree with.
Justin Taylor
A new edition of the 9 Marks Newsletter is now online [also available in PDF ]. Here's an introduction from editor Jonathan Leeman:
Justin Taylor
John Piper has posted a very moving journal entry from the other night, recounting the death of his father. I encourage everyone to read it. He has also posted an obituary of his dad.
Gareth Baudrillard-Jones
Goodness me! Steve Nichols has produced yet another book on the Reformation: The Reformation: How a Monk and a Mallet Changed the World (Crossway). Come on people, get with the program -- the kids of today don't want to hear about grace, Christ, scripture, salvation, Christian freedom, service and...
Gilbert Meilaender, who holds the Phyllis and Richard Duesenberg Chair of Christian Ethics at Valparaiso University, scorches N. T. Wright in the current issue of First Things (Februray 2007). For once, it's not his assertions on Paul and the New Perspective that has Meilaender bent out of shape;...
Rodders, Del Boy sent me an SMS from the local barber's shop. He's been reading that monthly journal for men called Men's Health (December 2006) -- never seen it myself, you understand. Anyway, he was reading this article on some dude called Josh Duhamel (sounds fictitious to me right enough)...
The Most Rev. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has chided his conservative Anglican bishops in Africa and elsewhere for openly criticizing the U. S. Episcopal Church's acceptance of openly gay clergy and same-sex unions. He says, "There is one thing a bishop should say to another...
I have only recently returned from a week-long trip to Chongshin Seminary in South Korea. Incidentally, I regret my sudden and unannounced disappearance from the blog -- it is almost as hard to get away as it is to return. Anyway, this week I hope to share a few impressions of my visit to one of...