

My colleage Aaron Messner concluded his sermon series on Titus on Sunday night, and his comments on Paul's closing appeal to do good works are well worth sharing: "If God saves us by grace alone, through faith alone, in the finished work of Christ alone, then what is the point of good works?...
There's nothing like my annual alumnus magazine to make me feel a failure. This year, I read that one of my contemporaries was Rachel Weisz's boyfriend (!!!); and that two other alumni are responsible for those pillars of cutting-edge literary culture, `C**p Towns' and `C**p Towns II' (!!!!),...
The story about "The Man from George Street" is not from a New Zealander at all, but from David Smethurst of Australia. A friend from Tenth Church says the clip is available at the following address: .
So that's what I've been suffering from all these years: Irritable Clergy Syndrome! I wonder if that diagnosis may prove useful with all the people who have to put up with me on a daily basis. "I'm sorry, honey -- it's just that my Irritable Clergy Syndrome seems to be acting up again today. . . "
I notice that the bookstore at WTS ( ) is puffing a new book by the late WIlliam Still, flagging it up with a godly puff from Sinclair Ferguson. Well, Willie made an impact on me too.
Justin Taylor
Here's a blog dedicated to the life and thought of Andrew Fuller: "This blog serves to increase people's knowledge of one of the greatest Baptist theologians of all time. Andrew Fuller (1754-1815) was an able pastor, theologian, missionary statesman, and godly follower of Jesus Christ. Posts will...
Rick Phillips
I have been preaching through the Gospel of John for the last couple of years, and this Sunday I complete John chapter 10. This also concludes my study of the long confrontation between Jesus and the false teachers of Israel that runs from John 8:13-10:39. While studying this portion of Scripture,...
Ligon Duncan
Joel Beeke recently wrote to me about the following. He said: "The Dutch Reformed Translation Society is seriously contemplating translating Petrus van Mastricht's 4-volume magisteral work of systematic theology and ethics, Theologia theoretico-practica ["Theoretical and Practical Theology"]--a...
Justin Taylor
Fox News : "A body found in a snow cave on Oregon's Mount Hood has been identified as that of climber Kelly James, a person close to the family said Monday." Kelly James is the brother of Frank James III , president and professor of church history and of historical and systematic theology at...
"Now this London preacher flew back to the UK and was speaking at the Keswick Convention in the Lake District. And he threw in these three testimonies. At the close of his teaching session, four elderly pastors came up and said, “We got saved between 25 and 35 years ago, respectively, through that...